With the efforts of all at Ride The World (Australia) and help from our friends at EagleRider Sydney we put together a day ride for Beyond Blue.
Beyond Blue's phone number in Australia is
It was called 'The Inaugural Travel Industry Motorcycle Ride' and we were looking forward to a big take up by the riders within the Travel Industry in Sydney. This was not to be and as a friend told me later, all charity events start out with a group of friends and grow from there. So to be positive, we did get to take the ride and we will do more in the future.
The original plan was to have breakfast at EagleRider Sydney's Burwood location and set off on an easy, speed limit and road type wise route, this would enable small motorcycles, scooter, learners and provisional rider to not feel they were holding us up. They never do as it's the journey not the destination and how quickly you get there. The lunch break was to be at Wiseman's Ferry then returning to EagleRider Sydney for a Bar B Q, live music and raffles.
EagleRider Sydney had also offered special industry rates for Harley Davidson and Royal Enfields which we hope to have at the next event.
So what did happen?
We still started at Eaglerider Sydney who provided a Royal Enfield Bullet 500 for the guide and coffees to the riders and pillion.
With everyone ready, a quick picture of the group.
Ready to take the first of these Charity Rides. |
Time for another picture, this time of 3 of the 4 organisers, Walter, Will and David. Unfortunately we missed having Santina present as she was in Melbourne at the Motorcycle Expo.
Walter, Will and David, smiles all round. |
With a small group, I decided to extend the trip and stop of morning tea / coffee at Ebenezer Church but via Windsor and not the usual Sackville Ferry.
When we arrived no one seemed disappointed at this change to plans.
We're special so we get to park on the paved forecourt. |
Time to chat and prepare to eat. |
Should we do it Devonshire or Cornish style. Maybe the labels will help. |
After enjoying our scones, jam and cream in which every order was preferred with our tea or coffee, we returned to the motorcycles with the plan to head over the Sackville Ferry and rejoin the original route.
I am going to have to check calendars for future rides as for the third year in a row, I picked the same weekend as the 'Bridge to Bridge Water Ski Classic'. Not to worry, we headed back to Windsor to McGrath's Hill through Pitt Town and onto Maroota the Wiseman's Ferry.
They've locked the bikes out! |
Somehow, someone's Harley got through. |
At Wiseman's Ferry as per the original plan we stop for a bite to eat at the Wisemans Ferry Hotel. A rider needs at keep their energy levels up.
A 'Big Burger' and a mug of coffee. |
With the energy levels restored, the group splits with some returning home and the intrepid ones continuing, we all have a pie shop at the next stop.
Part of the Group crosses the Hawkesbury on a Wiseman's Ferry, ferry/. |
The road to Central Mangroves was so pleasant on the Royal Enfield Bullet 500 and I found myself mellowing to the pop, pop, pop, of the exhaust at 80 k.p.h.. The rise and fall of the road were just taken in the single cylinder's stride. We travelled through Peat's Ridge and then onto the 100 k.p.h. section. Honestly, I had worried the Royal Enfield might not be up to the task but how wrong was I. OK, the vibrations increased but everything was well with the world.
We turned off the freeway entry and took the 'Old Road' which is 50 and 60 k.p.h. on the north side of Brookland Bridge. No complaints here as the Royal Enfield and I just glided through the corners at the speed limit.
Down to the Hawkesbury River and across the bridge, it was all uphill and a speed limit of 80 k.p.h. Some riders passed me as savoured the corners at my pace. Everyone knew the next stop as so we rejoined there.
One Indian by name the other by origin. |
They also make fruit tarts and beverages. |
After the break we said our goodbyes and headed home.
The next morning, it was time to take the Royal Enfield back but one of the Ride The World (Australia) crew has other ideas and grabbed the keys.
R.T.W.A.(Rider) Bear has grabbed the keys. |
Rider did not volunteer to wash the Royal Enfield. |
With such a simple layout, 'Rider' reckons he is up to the task. |
'Rider' can reach the throttle so he is ready to go. "Brakes are for Pussies". he tells me. |
Eventually Rider returns to his cave and I am able to take the Royal Enfield back to Burwood.
Whilst at the dealership I spot a work in progress. Will, having won the '2016 Royal Enfield Australia Bike Build off' with 'Rough Cut' is now building an outfit for a client. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product as I am sure the client is.
That was our first Travel Industry Charity Ride. Was it a success? Well everyone said they enjoyed themselves and Beyond Blue when I spoke to them were happy with the donation.
Now we can start the planning for the next one and I have been contacted by some Travel Industry people in other states who are interested in a local Travel Industry Charity Ride. I keep you posted.
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