A walk along the beach near Cronulla NSW

I am now post op and cannot ride my motorcycle until October.
To save me from driving my wife and self crazy, I am taken for a walk along the beach near Cronulla.
Just thought I would share some sights with you.

And so we commence from Dunningham Park, Cronulla NSW 2230

I hope our Guide dog knows the way.

The pool and beach South of Cronulla Beach.
How to freshen up your salt water pool.

Looking North towards Cronulla.
Just proves moss does grow on stationary rocks.
A different view.
Rock pools abound.
I have heard of stone fish but never brick fish. I wonder if they are as dangerous.

Onwards and upward onto the high ground.
The wilds and beauty of Nature.
Looking South across Port Hacking.
The parking is free so you have money in your pocket for a little refreshment stop along the way. Lots to choose from, be it coffee or tea to a full meal, you will find something I am sure.

The walk is very easy and even on an overcast day it was great to be outside.
