A ride to find Awesome and have a pie at Barrengarry.

Although it was Easter Sunday and the powers to be deem it a time to apply double demerit points to any traffic infringes why one would not go out to discover more about Becoming More Awesome.
So what's all the Awesome about? My passenger for the ride was Sharon from Be More Awesome . Click on the company name and you will discover more and be on your path to 'Be More Awesome'.

Sharon had cause to be near Wollongong over Easter so I planned to show Sharon one of my favourite rides. ‘The Kangaroo Valley loop’. I wish I could say I planned the weather as we had had storms, storms and heavy rain leading up to the Sunday. The Sunday was clear and fine.

Sharon was waiting at the appointment pick up point and after gearing her up with helmet, jacket and gloves we were on our way.

The traffic was better than I expected and the kilometres down the highway just passed by as we talked about everything and anything. At Albion Park we went to the west of the airport as this was the best way to Jamberoo. We were a bit early for morning tea and had not travelled far which was just as well and the pastry shop was closed.

We travelled along the road to Kiama but turned up the Saddleback Mountain Road to enjoy the view north from where we had travelled.

It was also a good time to rehydrate so I gave Sharon the bottle of water I had brought for her.

Panorama from Saddleback Mountain Lookout
Just part of the view towards Kiama.

After marvelling at the view, it was time to return to the bike for the run down the mountain with spectacular views of the coast. We turned right at the water tank then another right at the Giveway the Kiama Bends with Gerringong the next town. A surprise along the way was, I stopped at a pull off area next to the Kiama bends which normally everyone just travels by. The view back to Kiama did not disappoint.
Kiama from the roadside on the Kiama Bends.
This time in Panorama.
Sharon ready for the next portion of the ride.

Neither did the next lookout, just up the road with views south pass Gerringong to the area we would be travelling.

Gerringong and beyond.
Gerringong and beyond.

Through Gerringong and Gerroa, at Beach Road we turned to Berry and of course the mandatory stop at Harley Hill Cemetery. Traffic into and through Berry was very heavy and a polite fellow road user let us in.

Almost out of Berry we turned right to head for Kangaroo Valley. The road I would best describe as challenging and the side road to Cambewarra Lookout was a bit better. The view again did not disappoint.

Panorama of the Shoalhaven.
Always check the warning signs.
Yes Show Pony would fit through there if required.
No problem restarting the Harley but if you stop here, always point the vehicle back downhill in case your ignition is affected.

A gentle cruise down to Kangaroo Valley which was crowded and so we did not stop, instead continuing over the Hampden Bridge and to the 'Best Pies in the World' at Barrengarry.

Just as I was putting our gear on a table to reserve it, a gentleman comment on 'Show Pony' (my Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe's) beauty and so I followed him to 'Show Pony' and asked his son to take a photo of said gentleman on the saddle. A smile appeared and stayed with him as he dismounted and went to his son's car. I always enjoy the buzz people get from sitting on 'Show Pony'.

We queued to place our order and Sharon tried the Old Style Malted Milk. Strange I don't remember 'Old Style' being in a cardboard contain but they did mix it in a Stainless Steel one.

Not just the Harley needs fuel.

After lunch and as we prepared to leave, a tourist asked directions to the attractions of the area. My guide side kicked in and I sent him on to discover some great stops in the area. We mounted up and then followed 2 Harleys up the Escarpment then travel our own way through the South Tablelands to Picton Road and back to Wollongong.

So was it Awesome? Only Sharon can tell you from her own perspective. If Enjoyment is Awesome, I had an Awesome Day.

So where do we go?

Click on the map to find out.
2005 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe
Samsung Galaxy S5
Awesome company with a bottle of water.

I received an email from Sharon after the ride:

It's a Joy Tour, not a Joy Ride!

I must admit, I've never really understood the attraction to motorbikes.  Just never was particularly fussed about the idea of being on the back of a Harley..or any bike really....AND I have to say....after taking the Joy Tour of the Kangaroo Valley Loop...I'm a convert!

What an AWESOME way to spend a beautiful day.

David was so professional, and while I wasn't nervous, I was a little uncertain what to expect.  David put me at ease immediately and was so well prepared...he had everything for me....even a bottle of water!

We had a great day together, and he shares useful and anecdotal information via the bluetooth system he has set up with the helmets.  He was great to chat to, he was informative...and his sense of humour!

I now know where to get the worlds best pies AND chocolate brandy! And I also know how special it can be to enjoy the outdoors on the back of a Harley thundering beneath you.  Horizons expanded, and I got some great photos too.

I'm looking forward to my next Joy Tour!  Thanks so much David for an AWESOME experience!
