Plotting and Planning by the Ulysses St George Sutherland Branch.

As always the Weather forecast was rain for the weekend but intrepidly, members of the Ulysses St George Sutherland Branch ventured to Woronora Dam.

The event was to plan the rides for May, June and July. The bribery was a Bar-B-Q cooked by the chef extraordinaire Gary 'Grumble Bum'.

We descended on the entrance pre the 10:00 am opening and wondered why the gates were no open.
The security man arrived and had to walk from his car as we had taken both lanes to get in front of the bus / coach and cars.

With the gates opened we were off and riding at 60 kph and soon arrived at the car park above the bar-b-q area where tables and benches were supplied by the Water Board and of course within close proximity of the restroom. All these things help Ulyssians when spending some time at a place.

Dismounted and already chatting.
The food is yet to be cooked but they are ready.

Its like an open area clubhouse.
The other very important room in the background,
Grumble Bum preps the hotplate whilst the rest have coffees.
Ride Captain Ken takes control. Who's leading the ride and where are we going?
I am somehow reminded of my school days. I was waiting for Ken to cane the naughty ones.
Formal meeting over and its time to eat.
The meeting went very well and every weekend now has a ride. I just have to lead 2 more rides and I get my ride leader patch. Its like big Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Though most in the photo are boys there was a lady present.

I will post my ride after it is done in May 2014.

Just a note on all the red shirts. The members are wearing their branch shirts. Each branch has its only coloured shirts, not colours. The Ulysses Club is one club with many branches.

So what is the Ulysses Club?

Ulysses Club Inc.

They are a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40. They are the largest organisation of this kind in Australia.


Membership of the Club is open to any person, subject to the National Committee approval, who has attained the age of 40 years and who holds a current motorcycle licence. Additionally, the spouse or regular partner of a member, who has also attained the age of 40 years may also be admitted as a member upon application.
There is only one kind of membership, full individual membership. Any type of bike is welcome.

What they're about.

By joining the club, a member can choose to attend any branch or a number of branches, branch rides and functions of their choice. As well, there are sister clubs in New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, Great Britain, Vietnam, Norway, Namibia, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The Kingdom of Cambodia, Zimbabwe and Botswana

Ulysses Club has grown to 139 branches and 2 Special Interest Groups spread throughout Australia, and continues to grow. Our branches arrange rides and social functions for club members in their location.

You will receive a quarterly journal called Riding On, which contains information about your interests - bikes and bike related topics. But ultimately they are a social club so you get to see upcoming events, you can be part of a web site forum for members', share news and views and receive articles on topics that interest you.

Join the journey - each year, club members from all around Australia, as well as some from overseas, travel to the designated location for the Annual General Meeting and the AGM Event which has grown from a campover, meeting and meal of the early days, to a major event spanning 7 days, and incorporating involvement by major motorcycle manufacturers and suppliers putting on trade displays and test rides of the latest machinery, a Grand Parade through the town or city, several nights of various entertainment, Friday and Saturday night social events, a church service and of course the official meetings and ceremonies.

Throughout the year, members raise the club banner at rallies and odysseys around the country as a focal point where members and their friends can join in good companionship. Our "Old Man" logo, which has been preserved from it's original hand drawn form as our registered trademark, is recognisable throughout the country and club members wear it with pride.


One of the purposes of the Club is to enable members to get together for companionship and mutual support and one of the best ways to do this is on an organised branch ride. Members get a lot of enjoyment out of taking part in rides and socialising with other members with similar interests.

Most branches have organised rides and social outings one day every weekend or every second weekend, as well as mid week rides, of various length and duration, as well as the occasional weekend away.

There is no specific format for rides, length or appropriate destinations, each branch differs. A variety of rides is often most popular.

Why the Name Ulysses?

Ulysses describes the spark for adventure which you seek through motorcycling.The name comes from a poem of the same title by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It tells how the great Greek hero Ulysses, now middle-aged and securely in charge of his kingdom of Ithaca, is getting bored with things around him and longs to go adventuring again with his shipmates of old. It describes very well the sort of person who still has enough spark to go on riding into middle and later years.

The Aims of the Club

  • To provide ways in which older motorcyclists can get together for companionship and mutual support.
  • To show by example that motorcycling can be an enjoyable and practical activity for riders of all ages.
  • To draw the attention of public and private institutions to the needs and views of older riders.

For more details click here.
