I am invited to a photo shoot with Kym from Trike Trips www.triketrips.com.au and Steve from Just Cruisin' www.justcruisintours.com.au . The plan is to see how good the trikes and Harley look as wedding photo props (bad pun) and photo shoot is down by professional photographers one of whom being Rod Herbert of Rod Herbert Photography www.rodherbertphotography.com and the Bi Plane operator www.southernbiplanes.com.au .
This is going to be great fun, that is until the rain sweeps in and its in and out of the hanger.
The models look fantastic and you cannot tell they are as wet as they are.
Here are some of the photos from the day.
This is going to be great fun, that is until the rain sweeps in and its in and out of the hanger.
The models look fantastic and you cannot tell they are as wet as they are.
Here are some of the photos from the day.
We've arrived and the biplane has been moved out to make way for the merry trio.
The plane is wet,the models are under cover and the Harley is undercover.
Some arty photography, in my dreams!
Some more arty photography. Think I should left it to the professionals.
The shoot begins.
Can't help myself. All this on a phone!
All aboard. Let's race down the taxiway.
And they're racing.
A non professional photographer in action.
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