By Popular demand here it is, Driving Miss Daisy in the Dirt Part 1

So in the previous posting we saw how it should be done when I am taken for a HOTLAP by the instructor.

There were a few photos from the supporter's stand but I have been asked to show what it was like when Miss Daisy is in the backseat. How does LUKEWARMLAP sound?

Just to set the scene here are some more photos.

I have added the rest of the story in the captions.
With my typing skills, I should be using Pinterest or Instagram but then you wouldn't be reading this saga.

The question remains, will I fit into the little Rally Car?

OK DBR, let's see if the seat belt fits AROUND you.

Now, if I can just get that buckle to reach the clip.

Ready to go, fitted on the seat and the seat belt around me.

What's with the traffic jam? I've got laps to do.

OK so you want to loss the door. I can help.

Just look at that dust fly!

Not as much dust, need to find the line with the dust!

Here's the dusty bit again. Yah!

Part 1 the top laps are done.

About to go and see what trees look like but not up close.
So that's what it looked like from the outside.
Go and get a coffee or prepare to fall into a deep sleep.

Let the lesson begin...
